Escuela de Motociclismo en Bay Area

Pacific Motorcycle Training

Somos una escuela de motociclismo donde nuestros alumnos aprenden los principios básicos del motociclismo y adquieren la confianza necesaria para manejar de forma segura. Ofrecemos clases de manejo de motocicleta y motoneta en seis sucursales: una en el centro de South San Francisco, Livermore, Salinas, San Bruno y Woodland. Nuestras sucursales son fáciles de encontrar y no tendrás problemas de estacionamiento.

Nuestro curso básico ha sido aprobado por el Programa de Seguridad para el Motociclista de California (CMSP), por lo que aquellos que se gradúan reciben el certificado DL389 requerido por el DMV para exentar el examen de manejo. Enseñamos lo último en técnicas de seguridad, prevención de accidentes, curveo, frenado, y cambio de velocidades.

IMPORTANTE: Nuestro curso básico es impartido en inglés. En caso de no hablar inglés, puedes contratar a un interprete siempre y cuando siga las instrucciones de seguridad establecidas por el curso y los instructores. En caso de requerir un intérprete, serás responsable de sus costos y coordinación. PMT no se hace responsable de conflictos en la agenda del curso, del estudiante y del intérprete.

Para Nuevos Motociclistas

Aprende los principios básicos de manejo en un ambiente controlado y seguro, y recibe el certificado requerido por el DMV para exentar tu examen de manejo. Nuestro amigable curso de manejo básico ha sido diseñado para personas sin experiencia en una motocicleta. Hasta, te prestamos el casco y la moto para que puedas aprender.

Para Motociclistas Experimentados

Conviértete en un mejor y más seguro motociclista usando tu propia moto durante nuestra Clínica de Motociclismo Intermedio. O lleva tus habilidades de curveo y evasión de accidentes al más alto nivel tomando nuestras Clínicas de Motociclismo Avanzado, enseñadas por los mejores instructores del Área de la Bahía.

"I took the intermediate class which reinforced and built on things I learned in the basic class. There was a lot of practice which was great, and fun. It was a hot day so at the end of it we were all pretty tired. Lecture and class setup were good for Covid-19, and broke up the sessions well. We had 2 instructors and several helpers for 10 students. I had my own bike, but the rentals were very cool 500cc Harley Davidsons!"
― John Ku
"This is a top notch training school. Excellent instructors and a professional staff from start to finish. It was so amazing, I’m going through all the levels up to the advanced class. Take this one with no hesitation!"
― John Liotti
"My experience was great with Pacific Motorcycle Training in Woodland, on the Pioneer High School campus. Thomas and Steve were the instructors and they were very knowledgeable, supportive and fostered an overall nonjudgmental environment that was conducive to learning. I had never ridden a motorcycle in my life and by the end of the course I had a lot of the foundational skills down. I would recommend this course to anyone. And extra shout out to Thomas and Steve!"
― Tyler Hart
"Evee is such a great instructor with a big heart and a lot of heart of Patients I came in with zero riding experience and now that I have gone through the course have learned so much highly recommended for anyone wanting to ride motorcycle/ scooter"
― Osha Jackson
"Great Place to Start Your Motorcycle Journey. The instructors create a positive learning atmosphere and help you improve your bike handling techniques. I'll be taking their intermediate/ advanced classes later. Chris, Isaak and Ken were great teachers."
― Ross Sherwood
"This is a great course for anyone looking to learn how to operate and ride a motorcycle correctly and also a great way to get you licence. The team are friendly, positive and ready to help you no matter your level of experience. If I can convince my wife to become more than a passenger, this is definitely the place we will go. Thank you again to Ken, Chris and Kyle for all the great feedback."
― Trev Robinson
"Both instructors, Christine and Earl, were great. They were in sync throughout the day. They were very knowledgeable and knew how to effectively deliver constructive feedback."
― Mike Garmon

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